Sol Shines On Counseling Services, PLLC
My purpose is to counsel people to truly heal from anything that is holding them back from finding their full purpose and potential.

Virtual Counseling Services
Do you feel as if you’ve been through some bad things that you just can’t overcome? Through every hardship I’ve encountered, I actually pulled through and gained more on the other end. I believe in every stormy and rough season of tribulation, it will pass and the sun shines on. Life changes for the better when you shift from “Why does this keep happening to me?” to “What am I meant to learn from this?” and “How can I grow from this?” My goal is to help you get to the other side of hope.
Owner – Josalynn Cartagena, LPC, M.Ed.

I experienced my own high levels of anxiety and panic attacks as a child and have successfully overcome this with counseling and positive coping strategies and have managed to help many other clients with the same success.
Having worked in the public education system since 2009 and counseled at all age levels, I have seen almost anything you can imagine with what our youth and adolescents deal with. I have worked with youth at early childhood, elementary, middle and high school levels.
Stress is a huge part of all our lives and can be negative or positive. The day to day stressors that become overwhelming and out of control, the traumatic life stressors that leave us stuck in the moment and secondary stress we take on from other loved ones or events can captivate us in a place of hopelessness. I have managed to help students and adults alike find better ways to reduce the levels and frequency of their stress levels.
Vision Statement:
To reach every person at their fullest potential socially, emotionally, and mentally to help them succeed to their highest level.
Mission Statement:
I believe a person is more than one component. Every human is made of whole complex and distinct qualities that make them a whole and unique individual. My goal is to discover what that is from the social-emotional component to increase positive attitudes, which in turn, should lead to improved adjustment and performance. The end result will be reflected in more positive social behaviors and interactions, less emotional distress, and an overall improved quality of life.